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Cable Lateral Raise Best Exercise For Shoulders

If you want to learn about a killer shoulder workout for mass, today we're going to be talking about the leaning cable lateral rays make sure to read till the end where I will be talking about some common mistakes that you'll want to avoid.

When training the shoulders, we need to pay special attention to the side delts because they are what create that Nice X-frame taper, making the waist look smaller. When you think about building a nice round set of shoulders, your first thought is probably.

Goes to the shoulder press, and while the shoulder press is a great front delt builder, they follow a bit short when it comes to building the side delts. You can shift some emphasis onto the side delts by using dumbbells instead of barbells and standing instead of sitting, but you'll still need a direct side delt exercise. To get the best results. You could use the good old dumbbell lateral rays. However, the leaning cable lateral rays have two major advantages.

one when using Some belts The weights hang there at the bottom of the rip and there's almost no tension on the side Delts using a cable provide tension even at the bottom of the rib. Two according to one study, the Sidell is more active at the end of the range of motion when leaning. It allows you to extend the range of motion rather than stopping when your arms are perpendicular to your body, like with the dumbbell lateral raise.

Now let's talk about how to perform the movement, starting with the setup attach a single handle attached to a cable machine, and adjusted it to the lowest height setting. When approaching the weight column, step your outside foot over the handle and directly in front of your back foot. Your shoulder should be only an inch or so away from the cable column at this point. Grab the column at shoulder height, bend over, grab the handle, and stand up with it. Lean away from the cable column. The arm holding on to the column should be parallel with the ground. This is your starting position. With your elbow slightly bent, raise your arm out to the side, stopping when your arm is parallel to the ground.

Lower the cable back down, but don't return it to the bottom. Stop when your arm is vertical. This will help keep tension on the side delt throughout the entire lift.

This will be the end position of each consecutive rip. Now that we've talked about how to properly do the leaning cable lateral rays, let's talk about some of the mistakes that I commonly see that you'll want to avoid. Going too heavy is the most common Mistake keep in mind that Sidell is a small muscle and can't handle heavy weights without other muscles coming in to help. Going too heavy will also tempt you to cheat by bumping your knees up. To get you past the sticking point. Use lighter weights.

Focus on getting a full range of motion and stay mostly in the 12 to 20 Rep range. The other mistake that I commonly see is doing this exercise with the cable out in front, essentially turning it into a front raise and involving the front delt to a greater degree. This can be avoided by following the between-the-legs setup I outlined earlier in this video. Give this exercise a try next time you're training your shoulders and let me know what you think. Question of the day what are your favorite shoulder exercise months? Probably a tie between the leaning cable lateral raises. And the standing barbell overhead press.

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