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The Arnold Press, Shoulder Exercise

 Let's just teach you our press right from the get-go. So make sure you're paying attention, take some notes if you need to, and let's jump into it. So Arnold Press is a great variation of the shoulder press. So Next up, the beauty of the Arnold Press and understanding why it's good for you is you're actually going to start by working a lot of your anterior head.

And we're doing some Rotary movement through to that lateral head and just kind of pushing up. So it's a really great way to switch activation and really focus control. So because of that, just to get started, you're going to find yourself a bench. You want to make sure you're on a slight angle. I find it a little bit awkward, like having a little bit of lean. And I like to posture myself. So I'm going to come back posture myself. So I'm gonna start with your hands supinated, and that's just a fancy word for having them facing you. So you can see the doubles are facing me here. We don't want to come in too far to where it's awkward. 

This is how I would contract my chest. So we want to be the strong position about maybe a little outside of our shoulder width here, elbows inward. Now from here, we're going to push and rotate and squeeze so you can see the same thing. I'm coming down. So when I get clients to do this, I'll usually say, hey, just start with your hands. So we're starting here coming up, rotating through and squeezing, OK. So we're starting with that into your head and we're rotating to the lateral head, pushing through that lateral head and squeezing together. Now for a contraction here, we don't necessarily need the demos to touch together. We should squeeze.

So there's much as we can. Some people might need to touch them together, while others may not know. You don't want to drop them like this right away and said you want to rotate through the movement, keep it in control, come all the way down, rotate through the movement, all the way down from both shoulder levels, rotate through the movement. And that's about it. It's nice and simple, but if you want some more detail, Kyle's going to show you 3 common mistakes and how you could avoid them. Actually, before Kyle kicks me out and gives you two more awesome tips, I'm going to give you the one I'm very passionate about. And this is a rotation, so the entire benefit.

Arnold Press is this rotation. It's a transfer of tension from that anterior head to the lateral head, and we're recruiting more of both heads. Essentially. When you're in a normal shoulder press, of course, you're going to have lateral and interior, but here you actually have that Rotary movement. So the shoulders are a ball and socket joint and they can move in many multiple-dimensional ways, Whereas the bicep is limited in its path of motion. It's a really unique and exciting muscle group. So that's why we recommend you don't look too happy with the Arnold Press. It's more about control and a really clean movement. So when I'm back here, a common mistake I'll see is people jumping the rotation.

Able to come up. Like we'll come up with supination, a fancy word for your hands facing you. They'll press up and then they'll rotate, they'll come down, rotate. You're not doing anything here, you're just screwing around with your wrist at the end. So we're going actually to transfer that attention. So I start here, and as I'm coming up, I'm rotating evenly throughout the lift into that contraction and the same on the descent. So about that even rotation. When I introduce this to a new client, I recommend they do I'll actually take their hand for a little time to do it for them so they get the feel of it. And that seems to work really great. So before you even try with the weight, literally just sit at home.

I mean, even if you're on your computer, your phone, whatever, stand up, sit down, whatever you like and just practice an even rotation through the movement and you will feel the transfer of tension and the right way.

Common mistake no. 2 A lot of people will bring their elbows down towards like their belly button, and that's just going to put tension on, you know, a little bit of your chest as well as your biceps. You want to keep your elbows up nice and high throughout the movement, so that way you can keep all the tension transferred to your shoulders, which is what we're trying to work here. Common mistake no. 3 exercise too heavily if you guys really want to go heavy to build your shoulders, I would recommend doing OHP and shoulder press. This is all about control and just really working on the balance and the Rotary motion of the exercise. And I recommend just using a way lighter load, getting contractions, and focusing on doing that for this exercise. 

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